Sunday 25 December 2011


Irome Sharmila, the name doesn't ring a bell in our heads, but for people in north east of our country she is synonymous to a fighter with an unmatchable fortitude. There are a lot of parallels between Anna hazare and her but one, that her fast unto death is few days short to a decade. The last time she had eaten something was 10 years ago which is something unbelievable but media ain't interested in highlighting her story and her fight. She hasn't consumed anything through mouth all these years and is forcibly fed through nose in a few days by her supporters and doctors after collapsing. We should lament the fact that she is thrown behind the bars very often for culpable homicide not to mention that her fast unto death in taken as an attempt to suicide but that too doesn’t deter her from fighting for her conviction. This young lady is fighting against the AFSPA (armed forces special powers act) in the north east, the special powers given to army to combat naxalism and militancy which unfortunately costed some civilian's lives. If her name is alien to us then it's the centre's step child treatment followed by media's numb response for that part of our country. Though we don't know the pros and cons of AFSPA but Irome Sharmila's fight and sufferings should come to an end. There are very few who follow Gandhiji's doctrines and they deserve the respect of the nation.  We salute to her endurance and patience for justice. A humble request to our politicians, please reach out to her and listen what she wants to say.

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